Pre Hurricane - Friday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 8/25/11 7:45 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA:

Seems that whatever the plumber was doing with the front of the house held through yesterday's rains.  We did not get any water in the old basement.  Yesterday's rains did prevent Gene and I from putting rubber around the new basement windows to prevent the hurricane that is expected to hit from dumping rain water through those windows.  Gene has clients today so hopefully Saturday morning there might be a bit of time for us to get those windows tightened up before the rains start.  If not we'll just see what this weekend brings.  The plumber and his crew are still working on the yard and the drainage problem.  He's going to try to get the trenches dug today that he's planned to do yesterday to keep the waters running away from the house rather then into the house as it is now.

Yesterday was sad but nice seeing old friends.  It poured during the funeral service, so many that loved our friend were there, Gene got to re-connect with so many from a very old portion of his life.

Today I'm in the office.  I'll be working till 4, then home.  Gene has clients today and tonight so it's a long one for him.  I still have assignments to catch up on for class so I'll be working on that tonight and over the weekend if I'm not on mop up duty.

For those in NJ, along the coast and in areas of PA that flood, evacuate safely and get to higher land, this sounds like it's going to be a dangerous storm coming towards our area....

Hope everyone has a great day...



on 8/25/11 7:56 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!

SO glad to hear that things are moving in a positive direction for you and the house!! It is about time! I hope that the plumber can finish what he needs to so this upcoming hurricane doesn't destroy what is there!!

Today is going to be a busy day! I am up bright and early thinking about all the things that I need to do!! In a bit I will head into the shower and get dressed. I am headed out to the supermarket with all the other crazies!! I need some of the basics that the news reports have been telling us to have. Batteries, bottled water, bread, canned food. I am also going to pick up some protein bars and drinks! Then I have a chiropractic appointment, then getting my nails done! Hey, a hurricane is coming and my nails have to look pretty, right?? LOL!!!

I have a feeling I may be traveling to several different stores to get the things I need!

Have a great day!!
Love to all, Beth">">>

Liz R.
on 8/25/11 8:44 pm - Easton, PA
YAY for no leaks! Thank God the plumber is getting so much done now for you. I am so glad that something is finally looking bright in the renovation!

I am at work today until 2 then headed to the hematologist for a follow up. Labs looked good so I am hoping no infusion! After that I need to run to the grocery store, it's just my weekly list but I've added the things they are recommending as well - bread, batteries, bottled water and shelf stable (non-refridgerated) milk for Mia. We are in a town that will flood but our house is safe on top of the hill. Hoping and praying for no power outages but we'll take it as it comes!
on 8/25/11 9:33 pm - Boothwyn, PA
TGIF everyone - still sending prayers your way, Ida, that the house stays dry during this next round of rain - also praying that the weather gurus are WRONG and we aren't going to get all the rain they're talking about. Honestly I know we need to be informed but they're starting to cause panic at the stores - I have enough staples on hand to get us thru a day or two - hubby is checking out the generator today to keep the fridge and TV going.

I'm at work - half day today - leaving early to go home and make pasta salad for tomorrow night - hoping my sister is still coming from Florida today - I know they can get here - I guess the bigger issue is getting home.

Also praying that the real stormy weather holds off until Sunday - I hate to see all the hard work my niece has put into this benefit be for naught. Timing just sucks.

That's about it for me today - stay high and dry!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 8/25/11 10:05 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning!!

Ida--So happy to hear no leaks!! Hopefully the plumber will get things straight for you and this weekend will not cause any more damage! ((HUGS))

As for me today I have a Dr. appt...just a belly check for the baby..then I believe I will be going to once a week appointments from here on out til the lil Sweet Pea arrives...

Nursery is completed FINALLY!!! LOL I just have to take the pics while it is all neat and organized and pretty and then I will be posting them on Facebook!

Today after my appointment just going to get the lawn and patio furniture moved to a safer place in case the rains and winds are as bad as they say...Hopefully we won't get hit too hard...

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!! Stay safe everyone!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Lisa H.
on 8/25/11 10:25 pm - Whitehall, PA
Happy Friday all.. sounds like things are on the way up, Ida.  I'm happy for you.

Today has me working both jobs.. in between, I suppose I'll eat dinner and spend 10 minutes with my daughter... lol... She has been so awesome with staying home while I work at night!  

After work tonight, I'll just come to relax and get to bed.  Tomorrow morning, I'll head to Easton to get my wheel replaced and then hopefully make it to synagogue.  In the afternoon, I would like to stop by the Caine's new house for just a few minutes.  I feel bad, but I don't want to get sucked into helping out.  That is ONLY because I have to work tomorrow night, too, and I will need to do SOME relaxing before that.  

Everyone, enjoy today's sunshine and stay safe over the weekend.  I am busy making sure the laptop and cell phones are charged just in case.  We are pretty much prepared with other stuff, if necessary.  I don't think it will get THAT bad HERE, but you never know.  

My tracker


on 8/25/11 10:41 pm - Bethlehem Twp., PA
Good morning, PA!!

It is hard to imagine that a hurricane is on its way when you see such a beautiful morning!  Hopefully it stays well out to sea and misses us!!

Today I am celebrating 1 year in business at Abundant Style!  We had a very successful sale preview night for our best customers last night, and I am looking forward to a great sale weekend starting today. 

I have had some stomach issues since Tuesday night, bad gas and diarrhea 2-3 hours after every meal.  I have not had this happen before, hoping its just a stomach bug or something.  I am drinking more water, but I feel quite drained from it.  It even gets me up during the night to go.  How long does a stomach flu usually last??  I have a regular Dr. appt on Monday, will discuss with him.

I hope everyone has a great day, hope you stay dry, Ida!

on 8/25/11 10:54 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Ida - so glad you are able to get things under some sort of control before the hurricane hits. 

We are sadly home.  Came home last night due to the mandatory evacuations that were being set for today.  Of course, today is a gorgeous day at the beach - but, we did the right thing.  Good news, no water anywhere in the house and there was a lot of rain I am told yesterday.  So - we shall see what the rains this weekend bring.  I am pretty sure we are headed to a "Hurricane party" Saturday night.  Seems that is what many people are doing.  Getting together with friends and sleeping at one persons house.  Should be interesting! :)

Since I am home, I am about to get dressed and head in to school.  Not for long though, just to drop off the things that I purchased this summer - want to get it out of the house.  Then I am picking up Copper and heading home.  I have to go to the market - pretty sure that will be a mad house - but we have been gone for a few days and expected to be gone longer so there is nothing in the house.  I did stop and get milk last night, so I have that - and we had bought Sandwich thins at BJ's on Monday at our friends house.  So we have that - I just need to go get the stuff we actually have WITH the milk and the bread! :)  Tonight I am guessing we are laying low.  Nothing else to report.

Have a great Friday everyone...and yes - I STILL think Mother Nature rocks - after all - she gave me the perfect visit with my in-laws - one afternoon, a meal and we left, incident free!  See, she DOES know what she is doing! :)
Laureen S.
on 8/26/11 12:17 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Ida, PA Friends,

I am happy to read that the plumber is a stand up guy and getting things done so that you and Gene don't have to mop up a big mess, hope that from this point on, all goes well on the renovation project and that one day soon, you will be hosting a gathering to celebrate it's completion (lol). . .

Well, I stopped last night to pick up bottled water, enough to last 5 days, some beef jerky and I have some canned goods that will get me through, plus, since my house has gas, so long as I have matches, I will be able to cook, provided Irene doesn't huff and puff my house away (lol), happy that my neighbor's big old trees are no longer an issue, though I do have a big white pine on my front lawn.  My roommate Bert is going to get all the stuff that is on the front and back porches put away, as well as yard furnishings, we are going to try to board up windows, particularly my sliding glass doors on the the back of the house, my main concern is really the basement and how flooding will probably become the biggest issue, I have a drainage system, but due to the amount of rain and the fact that my home is over 60 years old, the old part of the foundation leaks when there are continuous rain storms.  What will be, will be and I will spend this evening and tomorrow preparing as best I can.

Anyone who has a cell phone that they rely on, if you don't have one already, go to an electronics store and buy a car charger, that way should you find yourself without power, you can recharge your cell phone that way.

Ok, I'm done. . .  have a great day, wishing peace and strength to any facing serious life challenging stuff. . .

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Patricia R.
on 8/26/11 2:44 am - Perry, MI
Good Afternoon Ida and PA,
Ida, I am so happy for you that things have taken a turn for the better.  Hopefully, things will continue in a positive direction for now.

I am late posting again.  I fell asleep on the rocking chair this morning, and woke up just in time to drive to my IV iron infusion appointment.  Now, because I have asthma, they have to add benadryl and a steroid before the iron, so that I don't have a reaction. 

This afternoon, will be some organizing around my desk, and then this evening, I will head to my sis-in-law's for a knitting night.  I want to finish the baby blanket for my daughter's in-laws in Michigan. 

I hope everyone stays safe over the weekend.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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